Event Planning
Staffing your event
Staff from your department hosting the event should be prepared to serve participants in a variety of ways. In addition to insuring that the event "runs smoothly", staff should be prepared to respond to questions about venue features such as the location of restrooms (including accessible restrooms,) drinking fountains, special seating, and availability of event materials and assistive listening devices. Staff should check the path of travel from the building entrance to the event venue to insure that there are no obstructions. They should also be prepared to respond to emergency situations with emergency contact numbers and emergency procedure information appropriate to the program and the venue. Staff should be prepared to give parking information which will be determined prior to the event taking place.
In addition to staffing your event from your department you should think about services that you will need from the Tuck custodial crews. Custodians provide a variety of services for your event from set-ups and break downs to cleaning up during and after your event. You should meet with the Tuck Events and Facilities office as soon as possible to discuss your needs, so the crews can have ample time to prepare their schedules. If you have a late night or weekend event, there may be a need to bring custodial crews in for overtime coverage and or even double-time.